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Karen Deans
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About the artist

Coloured pencil artist


I am a coloured pencil artist that loves to draw a variety of subjects; animals be they pets or wildlife capturing their individual characters and still life, mostly in a contemporary style, using the subtle nuances of light and dark across a range of subjects including flowers, fruit and crockery. I take commissions for anything from birthday presents, a special gift, a reminder of a much loved pet or just for the love or art. 


Tel: 07384 315275


Instagram: @karendeans2020


1. Tulips in a Metal Mug

Coloured pencils, A4   


2. Harvest Mice on Cones

Coloured pencils, 20 cm x 25 cm 

3. Gizmo (a commission)

Coloured pencils, 30 cm x 40 cm


Penshurst Village Hall


Penshurst Village Hall, High Street,
Penshurst, Kent TN11 8BP  

Opening times

Mons: 12 pm to 3.30 pm

Tues to Thus: 10 am to 5 pm

Fris: 3 pm to 7 pm

Sats: 10 am to 7 pm

Suns: 10 am to 4.30 pm

Artist present

Please contact the artist to find out when
she is present.

Art in June Kent Open Studios for artists and makers
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